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In comparison to the other big herbivorous animals the mouflon (Ovis orientalis) is on the small side. The body length of the adult males reaches up to 110 cm and its weight varies within 35-55 kg. In spite of this the mouflon hunt is an extremely pleasant and dynamic activity for the physically agile hunters.

The mouflon moves quick and jumps high, overcoming easily the rocks of the mountains, in which it dwells. The European mouflon lives in the Bulgarian mountain areas such as: Strandzha, Balkan, Rodopi and Sredna gora.

Hunting in Bulgaria gives you the opportunity to add to your trophies the unique mouflon horns. Their average length is about 75 cm, but the Bulgarian hunting grounds have recorded animals with 80 cm horns.

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Hunting season

01/01/2016 - 31/12/2016


Hunting places

Trophy fees standart price list

 up to 50,00 cm€600 
50,0160,00 cm€600+€20*
60,0170,00 cm€800+€50*
70,0180,00 cm€1300+€150*
above 80, 00 cm €2800+€200*


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Trophy fees individual price lists

 up to 50,00 cm€500 
50,0160,00 cm€700+€20*
60,0170,00 cm€900+€60*
70,0180,00 cm€1500+€150*
80,0190,00 cm€3000+€200*
over 90, 01 cm €5000+€300*

  *Note: For every next cm.
For mouflon trophy above 230 CIC-points, a 10% surcharge has to be paid.

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 up to 50,00 cm€600 
50,0160,00 cm€600+€20*
60,0170,00 cm€800+€50*
70,0180,00 cm€1300+€150*
80,0190,00 cm€2800+€200*
90,0195,00 cm€4800+€200*
95,01100,00 cm€5800+€200*
over 100, 01 cm €6800+€200*

*Note: For every next cm.
For mouflon trophy above 230 CIC-points, a 10% surcharge has to be paid.


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 up to 50,00 cm€500 
50,0160,00 cm€700+€20*
60,0170,00 cm€900+€60*
70,0180,00 cm€1500+€150*
80,0190,00 cm€3000+€200*
over 90, 01 cm €5000+€300*

 *Note: For every next cm.
For mouflon trophy above 230 CIC-points, a 10% surcharge has to be paid.

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 Up to 50 cm€600 
51 cm60 cm€800+€20*
61 cm70 cm€1000+€50*
71 cm80 cm€1500+€130*
 Over 81 cm€2800+€200*

 *Note: For every next cm.
For mouflon trophy above 230 CIC-points, a 10% surcharge has to be paid.

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 0,60 cm€800 
60,01 cm70,00 cm€800+€50
70,01 cm80,00 cm€1400+€150
80,01 cm90,00 cm€2900+€200
90,01 cm €5000+€300


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